What the Critics had to say...
On Cloud 9 "Kelli Ruttle, who has talent and presence beyond her years, does numerous quick changes in Act I in two diametrically opposed roles, a shy nanny and a bold widow. Ruttle returns to nail an outstanding second-act monologue about a matron rediscovering her sexuality." ~ Tony Brown, The Plain Dealer On Hay Fever "The family's weekend quartet of victims is a delight, but Kelli Ruttle as Jackie Coryton very nearly steals some scenes... Though her part is a relatively small one, she manages to do so many creative little things with it that the audience focuses on her and she gets a share of laughs larger than her part." ~ Kelley Dupuis, Chula Vista Star News Pictured with Dan Hendrock as Gary Essendine
On As You Like It "Kelli Ruttle has both the wit and the barely contained love to capture the humor and the romance of the cross-dressing Rosalind." ~ Rob Hopper, San Diego Playblill Pictured with Dan Hendrock as Lopakhin
On Ten Chimneys
"As Hagen, Kelli Ruttle stays nicely under the radar, as a good ingenue should, until her final scene. A casualty of the Lunts' manic devotion to perfection, she, like Chekhov's Nina, becomes unglued -- and you can't take your eyes off her. Even the late great Hagen would approve." ~ Andrea Simakis, The Plain Dealer "Last but by far not least was Kelli Ruttle in the role of Uta Hagen who played the ingenue and temptress in the love triangle of her, Alfred, and Lynn. The role of Uta was the most demanding having to do a play within a play and shift from lover to innocent to actress to cast offed woman all within the framework of the production." ~ Mark Horning, Examiner "Kelli Ruttle is appealing as Uta Hagen (the multi-Tony award winning actress). She does an excellent transition from young ingénue at the start of the play to mature actress at the conclusion." ~ Roy Berko, Blogspot On The Clearing "Kelli Ruttle was enticingly enigmatic as Maddy's lifelong friend Killaine, though it was the least forcefully written role." ~ Pat Launer, Center Stage On Present Laughter "... wonderfully wry..." ~ Christine Howey, Rave and Pan "Kelli Ruttle in the role of Essendine's wife, Liz, is delightful." ~ Roy Berko, Cool Cleveland On An Orchard "... luminous... an actress with astoishing range." ~ Tony Brown, The Plain Dealer |
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